Interrogé sur France Info ce mardi 1er octobre, Mgr Aupetit a répondu aux questions de Marc Fauvelle et Renaud Dely au sujet de la messe d'obsèques de Jacques Chirac, de la lutte contre la pédo-criminalité, du projet de loi bioéthique et enfin du chantier de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. I’d also like us to talk about another subject entirely – the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Retrouvez en podcast l'interview de Frans Imbert-Vier UBCOM "... il y a un facteur de risque fort, qui est le facteur humain, c'est lui qui reste le problème entre le clavier et la chaise, et au comme dans l'aéronautique, 99% du risque est lié au facteur humain, à la formation, à la … What is your message to them? Could it result in a change in your monetary policy? But whatever the circumstances, the ECB has a clear mandate: to bring inflation back towards 2%. Chaque jour, Jean Leymarie reçoit un acteur de l'économie française ou internationale pour commenter les enjeux majeurs de l'actualité économique. Mon Interview chez France-Soir. No, for the reasons I have just given. And that’s something we have to take on board. It also needs to look at the source of the problem, that is, overcapacity throughout the world, and in particular overcapacity in China. So we will not be revising our forecasts at present as a result of this correction. Caroline Delage, Carrière Et Vedettariat. In the event of an economic slowdown – and, again, it is a possibility – do you have the means to respond effectively? Is this the end of bitcoin? We can clearly see that bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies in general, cannot be considered reliable assets, or as economists like to say, a “store of value”, when their value fluctuates so much. 11 décembre 2020. Actualité politique, info culture & sports en France et à l'international Frédéric Collet, président du Leem, était l’invité de Jean-Paul Chapel, le mardi 2 février, dans l'émission ":l'Eco" sur France Info TV. It’s not a possibility that we are currently talking about, because right now there is no reason to worry about growth in the euro area. Notre président, Thierry Drilhon, a été interviewé par France Info, ce mardi 8 décembre, au sujet des difficultés à trouver un accord entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Union Européenne. Follow this link for the interview (in French). France Info, Radio FM D'Information Continu, Chronique d'Un Horizon à l'Autre. This is something that we monitor very closely, we follow all the indicators. 2.5% of GDP in the United States, and 1% of GDP on a global level. Additionally, and as a reminder, the U.S. Embassy in Paris only accepts applications from persons who are physically in France … It’s not what Mr Trump wants, true, but it’s what Europe wants. Le portail vidéo. Yes, and I think we must take heed of that. But that’s exactly what Donald Trump doesn’t want – he rejects such multilateral frameworks…. But we shouldn’t disregard the possibilities opened up by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, particularly on the technological front. Interview par David Abiker. La rubrique Info vous propose les dernières actualités en France et à l'international : l'actualité politique, économique, sociale, environnementale et sportive. Do you understand that? It’s not enough, it’s disappointing. Février 2010 / France Info Interview France Info sur le projet de construction d’une centrale nucléaire dans la vallée du Rhône > Ecouter l’interview de Xavier Rabilloud, porte parole du Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" Nucléaire : GDF Suez dans le pré carré d’EDF. 10 april 2020. What’s important for us, from an economic perspective, is that we avoid an escalation and avoid belligerent language. France Bleu Provence. The major issue at present are the threats issued by the US President, Donald Trump, who blows hot and cold on trade policy, and in particular this power struggle he has embarked on with China. But for bitcoin defenders it’s not just about the technology. So, we’ll need to have a discussion fairly soon about what comes next…. But the discussion is not just about asset purchases, it’s also about the right combination of instruments that allows us to support economic activity and bring inflation back towards 2%. 24h politique édito 8h30 franceinfo Allocution du président de la République Emmanuel Macron Alors, on pense ! It’s almost a philosophy for them – they see it as a free currency that can throw off the shackles of states and central banks. Should Europe get involved at this stage? France Bleu Isère; Tout le fil info. This sort of thinking is useful, important and positive. Just to remind our listeners: there is, in particular, the huge asset purchase programme you launched three years ago, which has involved buying public and private sector securities for the vast sum of €2,500 billion. It’s also telling us that there is a certain amount of defiance towards the traditional financial system, and potentially that everything we have done since the financial crisis to reform the banks, clean up the financial system and reduce risks may not have been enough, or may not have been understood. France Info (stylisé franceinfo:) est une radio publique d'information française créée le 1er juin 1987 par Roland Faure et Jérôme Bellay, son premier directeur jusqu'en 1989. Every Wednesday at 4.45 pm Paris time and Saturday at 7.45 am. Revoir la vidéo en replay L'interview sport Émission du samedi 13 mars 2021 sur France info, émission du 13-03-2021. Does that worry you? That is a discussion that we will certainly be having soon, since the programme is currently proceeding at a monthly pace of €30 billion until at least September. For example, we’re investigating whether “blockchain” technology, which underpins bitcoin, could one day support our payment systems. L'an dernier, le grand Paris n'a accueilli que 12 millions de touristes, contre 38 millions en 2019. BFMTV - 1ère sur l'info. It would be a very serious situation and it must be avoided. An interview with a French or international personality from the world of economics, politics, culture or diplomacy. But at the moment there is no need to adjust the path that has been decided on by the Governing Council. 103.6FM. It’s something that all central banks are looking at. Reproduction is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged. JT de 19/20 du lundi 12 avril 2021. interview texto L'interview texto de Martin Vidberg, le papa de l'Actu en patates Le dessinateur de presse Martin Vidberg a du pain sur la planche à dessin en ce moment. When are you going to end this programme? Les JT de France 3. … Moreover, this was already incorporated in our forecasts. It’s undoubtedly the end of an illusion – that bitcoin could become a global currency that would eventually replace the dollar or the euro. INTERVIEW - Christophe Prudhomme, porte-parole de l'Association des médecins urgentistes de France (Amuf) et urgentiste au Samu de Bobigny, fait le diagnostic des urgences en France. "L'invité éco", rendez-vous quotidien d'actualité économique, est diffusé sur franceinfo à la radio et à la télévision sur le canal 27 de la TNT du lundi au vendredi. There are not just the asset purchases, there are also interest rates. But we know the reasons: it’s because unemployment is still high and there is a lot of economic slack in Europe. Suivez toute l'actualité du Portail des Outre-mer, celle de chaque territoire, découvrez les articles, les analyses, regardez les Replays, écoutez la Radio, les Podcasts et bien plus encore ! Elle fait partie du groupe Radio France. Mettre en pause le direct. Will it have come to a stop by the end of the year? Matthieu Ragot, associé, était invité de franceinfo TV pour le 23h de vendredi 12 février, sur le sujet de la Loi sur les séparatismes, en discussion à l’Assemblée nationale.. Un débat qui déchaîne les passions et qui illustre la difficulté de concilier ordre public et libertés publiques. Interview France Info : Fariha Shah et Jonathan Bordereau invités de Jean-Paul Chapel Sommaire "Apporter une aide aux candidats en recherche d'emploi" Fariha Shah et Jonathan Bordereau , co-fondateurs de Golden Bees étaient les invités de Jean-Paul Chapel dans l'éco pour parler recrutement programmatique et automatisation du sourcing. They don’t need the ECB to lecture them, a trade policy already exists. This is not a matter for the ECB, of course; it’s a matter for the European Commission and for EU governments. But we want to bring inflation back towards 2% in the medium term, and that is why monetary policy will remain accommodative. Covid-19 : relancer le tourisme "peut aller assez vite", selon Corinne Menegaux, directrice de l'office de tourisme de Paris. There are threats, skirmishes, you might say, but it is not yet a trade war. 87.9FM. We know that monetary policy will need to remain very accommodative for quite some time. La chaîne You Tube de France-Soir a aussi été censurée, il faut les soutenir. Have you put a figure on it at the ECB, have you drawn up a scenario? So we need to look at the longer term. Retrouvez toute l'actualité en direct, en photo et en vidéo sur l'info politique, sociale, économique, sportive et internationale. "L'invité éco", rendez-vous quotidien d'actualité économique, est diffusé sur franceinfo à la radio et à la télévision sur le canal 27 de la TNT du lundi au vendredi. We are always working to improve this website for our users. I don’t think we are seeing a slowdown in growth. Discussions between countries are under way in Brussels and the European Commission has already started working on it. Governments are responsible for avoiding it, and above all for resolving these differences on a multilateral basis. And on this, we have been clear that interest rates will remain at their current levels, that is, very, very low, close to zero – even below zero – for a long period, even beyond the horizon of our asset purchases. Covid-19, reconfinement, insécurité... Ce qu'il faut retenir de l'interview de Jean Castex sur France Info. Pour la dirigeante, il faudra absolument "accompagner" les professionnels. L'info s'éclaire du lundi 12 avril 2021 Close. Interview with France Info Interview with Benoît Cœuré, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, conducted by Jean Leymarie on 9 April 2018 and published on 10 April 2018 We are still seeing growth in Europe, there is certainly growth, but it seems increasingly clear that it is slowing down. But we also have to understand what this tells us – technologies exist that can transform the world of payments and currencies, and these technologies should be incorporated. Growth is very strong, very robust and very broad-based across the euro area. Votre instant politique du lundi 12 avril 2021. As a large trading power, Europe is bound to be affected…, For now, Trump is saying “I’ll threaten Europe but without specific customs barriers on European products”…, Europe has a single trade policy and that means it has to react, and not just to the threat of import tariffs. Investors should be warned about the specific dangers of investing in bitcoin, and everybody has done so. JT de 12/13 du lundi 12 avril 2021. Découvrez la dernière interview de Thomas Pesquet accordée au CNES sur sa prochaine mission aux commandes de SpaceX Le 22 avril, Thomas … We haven’t said any more than that. Un Autre Sommet Conquis, l'Himalaya. In this scenario, we see a significant drop in global activity that also affects the United States, and that is precisely what we now need to avoid. Bitcoin rocketed in value several months ago before falling back; at one point one bitcoin was worth almost USD 20,000, but today it’s around USD 7,000. As a part of these efforts, any applicants who have traveled outside of France in the prior 10 days will not be admitted for their appointment and will be asked to reschedule for a future date. Autre vidéos de Silvano Trotta 02:19 L'Ivermectine soigne ! I can’t speak for the future – we will continue to monitor these developments – but, for now, it’s a stabilisation, and it’s not something that particularly concerns us. We are still seeing growth in Europe, there is certainly growth, but it seems increasingly clear that it is slowing down. La présentation du fondateur de Cultures et Compagnies, Claudio Muskus, au micro de France Info lors du salon ChangeNow. France Bleu Drôme Ardèche. They are speaking up. Yes, we have drawn up a scenario – which is worth as much as scenarios and models are worth – but it’s a scenario that does not reflect the current situation and the current declarations of the US President. « :l’éco » est une interview économique présentée par Jean-Paul Chapel. Magazines de France 2, France 3 et franceinfo. Interview Thierry Drilhon – France Info. To do this, we use the anonymous data provided by cookies. We will do whatever needs to be done to bring inflation back towards 2%. Grippe: une année particulièrement mortelle. Ateliers Jean Nouvel. And these indicators are now undergoing a slight correction that was fairly inevitable, as there comes a point when growth stops accelerating and stabilises on a certain trajectory. To do this, we use the anonymous data provided by cookies. Interview sur France-Info du Dr Derhy, chirurgien esthétique à Paris, spécialiste en nymphoplastie, Ancien chef de Clinique de l'Hôpital Saint-Louis,Paris. But monetary policy follows a long-term trajectory, one that requires patience. Protection de l'Acquéreur (1/2) Conseils Maitre Sylvain TANTIN ♥ Président des Notaires 2007-2009 Guadeloupe France Outre-Mer ★ Interview Journaliste Juridique Yannis Olivier Leborgne Malahël Psy Loi Info Justice Canal 10 Antille Rather, it’s a scenario in which all countries increase their import tariffs by 10%: a true trade war scenario that is very severe. I don’t know yet, because the Governing Council of the ECB has not yet discussed it, let alone reached a decision. La Musique Arrivera au Sommet ! 1 sur 3 > Les stations proches de chez vous. We are seeing indicators that had risen to very, very high levels, levels that had not been seen for many years, in some cases 10 or 15 years. Découvrez dès maintenant les podcasts, la musique et les radios en direct. Publié le 23 Mar 2021 Partager cette vidéo Silvano Trotta Chaîne Odysee Commenter. If there were to be a trade war, it could be very damaging for the global economy…, Not yet. See what has changed in our privacy policy, I understand and I accept the use of cookies, See what has changed in our privacy policy. 10 Cité d’Angoulême A la veille du dernier jour de l'année, France info a diffusé un reportage audio donnant la parole à deux citoyens qui, pour le réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre, ont décidé de s'affranchir de certaines mesures sanitaires mises en place à l'échelle nationale. L'intégrale du programme sur La rencontre, modérée par Eric Valmir, secrétaire général de l’Information de Radio France, a donné la parole à Vincent Giret, directeur de franceinfo, Estelle Cognacq, directrice de l’Agence franceinfo, Farida Nouar, grand reporter à franceinfo, Julien Corbière, rédacteur en chef de France … Ecouter le direct. Chefs d'entreprises, décideurs, hommes politiques... les invités de l'interview éco apportent leur regard sur l'information économique. It’s an important issue that was the subject of much discussion a few weeks ago. Tous les replay et podcasts radio de France Info : écoutez toutes les chroniques de la journée et les émissions passées, les reportages et le journal du jour ... silvano trotta france-soir richard covid. This isn’t how you go about investing your savings for your retirement. Accueil À l'Assemblée interview sur France Info 03.07.2020 Equipe de Barbara Pompili 0 Retrouvez mon passage du France Info jeudi 2 juillet pour réagir sur les sujets de … Again, I’m not going to speak for the future, since everything is completely dependent on the data we receive on an ongoing basis. Learn more about how we use cookies, We are always working to improve this website for our users. Interview with Jean Nouvel on Franceinfo. Interview De Jean-Christian Michel Par Caroline Delage, Sur France Info Radio TV : Musique ou Chirurgie ? Would you urge Europeans to “make themselves heard”? Information, news et actualité internationale en direct & en continu sur France 24. If we were to plunge into a trade war, that could have a very damaging effect, also on the US economy…. France info 2007. Europe wants the world to be managed in an inclusive way where everybody gathers round the table for discussions. Écoutez le podcast France Inter - L'interview en ligne et gratuitement sur La réécoute et le podcast de cette émission sont disponibles sur le site de franceinfo dans la rubrique replay audio, comme toutes les émissions radio. JT de 19/20 du dimanche 11 avril 2021.